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Unit – Installing the Fastcall Package

This Unit will take you through installing the Fastcall package from the Salesforce AppExchange. By the end of it, you will have installed Fastcall in your Salesforce Org and learned where you can see your Fastcall version number and license status.
Time estimate – About 10 mins.

Fastcall updates the AppExchange package frequently.

1. Go to Fastcall in Salesforce AppExchange

From the AppExchange listing click ‘get it now’.

Please be sure to review our pricing page and terms before you install the app.

Fastcall in Salesforce AppExchange

2. Choose the installation environment (production or sbox)

Installation environment

3. Confirm the details

Confirm the details

4. Install for Admin Only or All Users
Fastcall manages permissions so the choice does not matter.

Install for admin or all users

5. Approve third-party access

Fastcall needs to communicate with Twilio in order to make and receive calls.

Approve third-party access

6. Wait for the installation to complete

This will take a few minutes and will probably result in the AppExchange notifying you by email.

Wait for the installation

7. Check the installation has succeeded

Once completed, you should be redirected to “Installed Packages” in your Salesforce settings, where you can see your Fastcall version number and license status. There are ten licenses available. This is our user minimum in a production org; licenses are not required in a sandbox.
In the Salesforce App Launcher, search for ‘Fastcall’ to confirm the app is installed.

Screenshot of installed packages in Salesforce settings

8. Fastcall License, Permission Sets, and Salesforce Call Center File

The installing admin will be assigned a Fastcall application license, permission sets for user and admin; as well as a Call Center File. Please do not remove these items from your Salesforce User record. If you are going to add additional users at this step, do so in the Fastcall application. Details about users and licenses are here.

9. Fastcall Lightning Application

In Lightning, Fastcall will be available in the App Launcher. Fastcall can be added as a phone utility on your other Salesforce Lightning apps. Fastcall is also available in Salesforce Classic.

10. VoIP Integration – Fastcal Service

In the next step, you will connect to the Fastcall Service and then you can make a few test calls.

This is also a great time to test Fastcall as a call logger (without Twilio and without dialing). You can confirm in this step that the Salesforce Task is created as expected. You can jump ahead and test now, or spend a few more minutes connecting the Fastcall Service used by Twilio and test with a live call. One is faster; the other is more thorough.

Last updated: Fastcall version 8.2.8, 2023-08-29

Ready to start the Free Trial?

Provide your information and install the package in your Salesforce Org.

Please enter your email to join the Fastcall Appexchange