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Fastcall trials, videos, and options for testing

Want to check out Fastcall and need to know your options? You came to the right page.

Read the detailed feature pages, watch demo videos or hands-on explore our Salesforce-native phone application with a trial.

Ready for a trial? Let’s go!

Estimated times

  1. Demo videos: 5-10 mins each.
  2. Get it now: 10 mins to an hour to setup up in a sandbox or dev org, plus time to test.

Installs are free in a sbox or dev org. There is a 7 day trial by default in a paid Salesforce account.

Test drives are offered by Salesforce as a super quick way to see the app in context; in Salesforce. Test drives can be quick but are more limited than a full trial. As an evaluation user, you cannot edit data. And you are evaluating the same org as others.

  • Once logged into a test drive org with your Salesforce credentials, look for a lead named Test Lead.
  • One has a US phone and another a UK phone.
  • In this Fastcall test drive, you can dial the phone number we give on a lead using our softphone on an outbound call.
  • Be sure to allow access in the browser for the softphone.
  • After you outbound call, you will see both the outbound call and an inbound missed call logged. You are calling a number in the org that will go directly to voicemail.

You can dial this record (UK Lead) using the softphone. Or you can select the call logger under the option for calling device.

Fastcall phones are set in the widget under the upper left menu. If you want to call yourself, you can use the keypad to enter your number by hand. (Salesforce does not allow a record to be edited in a Test Drive).

The Fastcall softphone uses a headset and your office internet to dial. Be sure to allow access in Chrome.

For the trial, there is one option for caller ID. The caller ID is a Fastcall inbound number so call that phone number and see the inbound call connect in Fastcall.

BTW, in production, we will pop the inbound record when we find a match. Your record will not pop because your contact record is not in this Salesforce Org.

You can explore the Fastcall user settings and admin settings.

During your test drive keep in mind that this is a shared org with all evaluation users. That is how Salesforce does this. We check the org to be sure the driver before you did not run over any cones. But, it happens. If something is not working we can log in and fix it for you.

Now, let me tell you about Twilio.

Twilio is a telco web service that enables Fastcall to record calls, control your caller ID, and use our productivity-boosting “Voice Mail Drop.” Twilio also routes your inbound calls (optional). Fastcall will connect to Twilio when the app is installed. After your trial, we bill for Twilio usage in addition to our monthly license fees. 

Fastcall has upgrades that can optionally be enabled after the initial install and testing.

There is a 7-day trial by default. If you added a credit card, the trial automatically converts to paid. There is an unlimited trial in a sbox or dev org. 

You will find that Fastcall is super easy to use and administer, but don’t take my word for it, read our FIVE STAR reviews from awesome trailblazers just like you. If you need help, send us an email. We also have our FAQ, pricing, users guide and more on the Fastcall website.

Pricing is in the AppExchange and on our site Fastcall 

Ready to start the Free Trial?

Provide your information and install the package in your Salesforce Org.

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