FastCall is super excited as Dreamforce gets closer. #DF16

Our huge Salesforce Lighting Design update was named Version 3.0

And while 3.0 was the first package in this complete refactor, we are releasing incremental updates working up to Dreamforce.

Version 3.20 is now in the AppExchange

Multiple contacts can be associated when calling an Account. The contacts are added to the Salesforce Task (this capability must also be enabled in Salesforce.)

Adding Multiple Contacts when Calling an Account

FastCall has added more control over call termination and we added an #awesome lookup between Call Result and any Salesforce object.

FastCall Call Termination

The first new call termination option is “Require Call Result to Close Task Record” and is on by default. If off, the task can be closed without a call result

Next, we give an option to “Show Separate Call Result Field.” This setting is also on by default; and when off, call result is nested under the end call option”

So by default, we give a menu bar for call result, and call result is required to end the call.

Removing these options can eliminate a step in logging the call. For example, you can now use only call duration to set call result (a new option given with call results,) users can end the call with one click. Nice..

The setting for “Show Task Closing Options,” adds a submenu after ending call with additional task options. These suboptions include ending a call in task edit mode (used for adding more notes;) ending a call and keeping the Salesforce task open; or ending a call and not creating a task. The function is not new, but the setting is. Mostly you can remove the suboptions if you do not want your users to see them.


FastCall Call Termination

Our goal with these updates was to streamline the experience with fewer clicks for those orgs that want a minimal experience; and to give more to teams that need a fuller set of options.

OK more updates to Call Result. You can now relate a call result to any other object in Salesforce. Before you could the native Lead Status only. Now you can update Contact, Account, Opportunity. Any object. Just pick the field, or create a new field.


Call Result Can Update any Salesforce Field on any Object

Call Result = Gave Demo; Update a corresponding field on Account.
You can now use call duration to set call result. Call is under 2 mins; set the call result automatically. *But only when call result is not required.

We added a textbox to call transfer; and other improvements to call transfer.

Under Task Pick Lists, you will find a new option to create open Tasks for follow up calls.

Call Result Can Update any Salesforce Field on any Object

In Version 3.30 we are working on

IVR – press 1, press 2

And if you missed the updates for Version 3.1

  1. Widget now has real time notification showing Starting / Connecting / Connected; with color changes at each stage
  2. Twilio section now accepts an address for international phone number provisioning
  3. Call subject is now significantly improved; append call result, date / time and more to the subject. Or chose to not show the subject box.
  4. New custom button on task to lookup Salesforce contacts by “from” phone number
  5. Improved notes box.
  6. Option to “circle again” with round robin call distribution
  7. Advanced setting for caller ID when transferring call
  8. Other bug fixes
Richard Rosen
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