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Unit – Fastcall in a Salesforce Sandbox

  • Fastcall can be installed from the AppExchange in a Salesforce sandbox (sbox) or a developer org.
  • Fastcall creates one unique Twilio sub-account that is connected to all of the subscriber’s orgs (production and sbox).
  • The app can be installed in multiple sandboxes; but there can only be one Twilio connection.
  • Fastcall supports initial setup and testing in a sbox; we focus ongoing application support on your production org.
  • The same numbers used in the Sandbox org can then be used from the Production org.
  • Phones provisioned in production should not be edited or managed in your sbox.
  • If you are contemplating custom development in your sandbox or otherwise, please contact Fastcall to review.
  • Take care not to push updates from your sbox that may affect the Salesforce site or your provisioned phones.
  • In the Sbox you want to pick “Testing Mode” in Fastcall Settings > Admin Settings > Fastcall Subscription.
testing mode

A full Salesforce sandbox is intended to be used as a testing environment and is a replica of your Salesforce production org. However, Fastcall will not replicate from your sbox to your production org. A unique Twilio subaccount will be created in production and this cannot conflict with a sbox. If you are installing Fastcall for the first time in the sbox, the Twilio subaccount created will be unique. If you installed Fastcall in production first, and the sbox is a clone of production, the Twilio connection will be the same as production. Which is fine for basic testing. If you need a unique Twilio connection you will need to uninstall Fastcall from the sbox and install a clean version of Fastcall. This will create a unique Twilio subaccount.

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