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Fastcall and Mobile Phones

Fastcall can utilize a mobile phone in a few ways. 

Fastcall Quick Action enables outbound calls and SMS in Salesforce Mobile

Fastcall has a Lightning Action named “Fastcall” that can be added to your page layout in Salesforce mobile. Fastcall dials the user first on the mobile device. This is received as an inbound call for the user. Fastcall then dials the number on the record. Calls will be logged in Salesforce. This happens inside the Salesforce Mobile application and not in a separate Fastcall installed application. So this is not an IOS (Apple app) or Android. Caller ID can be set and calls can be recorded. Other functionality may not be available such as voicemail drop.

Fastcall in Salesforce Mobile
Fastcall in Salesforce Mobile

Fastcall in Salesforce Mobile

Clicking the custom button takes the user to a screen that looks like this. The device is the phone set in Fastcall. User’s mobile phone. The caller ID is set in Fastcall. Calls can be recorded. 

Caller ID is set in Fastcall
The device and caller ID are set in Fastcall. Phones are picked up from the Salesforce record.

Call starts…

Fastcall rings the user on her mobile phone first.

Phone Ringing
Phone ringing

The user sees this as an inbound call from the caller ID set in Fastcall.

Back in the User’s Mobile, the call shows as connected as an inbound call

Inbound call in phone
Call connected

The call ends and the user can view the logged call. Add notes, etc.

Select call result after call

The Task in Salesforce

Task Information
The call is logged with call duration. Call recording is optional.

Caller ID and device in Fastcall settings

Fastcall Settings
Fastcall caller ID and the click-to-call device can be set in Salesforce Mobile or the desktop.

Inbound calls to a user’s mobile phone

A mobile can be added as a device and used for inbound calls. Calls can be routed to a mobile in simulring (mobile and softphone, for example). A mobile can also be set as overflow. Softphone, then mobile.

Inbound Routing
Mobile Phone Set as Call Receiver

Click-to-call using a mobile from the desktop

A mobile can be added as a device and used for outbound calls when working from the desktop using Salesforce OpenCTI. This setup is “click to call”. Fastcall dials the user’s mobile. This is an inbound call to the user’s mobile and an outbound call made by Fastcall. When the user answers, Fastcall dials the phone on the Salesforce record. 

Note: We would not recommend this setup for everyday use. We find the softphone is a better choice.

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